Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Post

I feel that my relationship with technology is healthy because I use it for many activities along with gaining knowledge through using it. In many of my classes, especially now with converting to online classes, I use my computer or other devices. There are some things that I would like to point out that many people don't consider that often. It's that technology and non school related activities can actually teach you a lot that you may not be able to learn in school. Many times people have told people to stop using devices because it doesn't teach you too much. Those who think this way I don't see them as very smart people. One such example that people see as useful and noneducational is watching anime. Though what they don't realize is that it teaches you much more that you might learn by going outside or simply socializing with others. There is even an anime called Dr. Stone, where you learn an incredible amount about science and how it works. The reason for learning, there are many times where people need something to vent their anger and that's where video games can usually come in. They give people the ability to do stuff they wouldn't be able to do in real life, not giving them the ability to release stress that is placed on them. Many different technologies are used by most people throughout the day. Whether it be Xbox, computer, the Wii, PlayStation, DS, or even the new Nintendo Switch. While there are many people who choose to do outside activities, I feel most people would eventually use technology because even stuff such as iphones or androids can be considered forms of software. When necessities were turned into a type of software technology, it seems to have just simply been accepted into daily lives of everyone, even for those who didn't really use these devices in their younger days. Personally, I feel that people who include software a lot in their life can actually be much more intelligent and wiser than other people who look at technology with a negative outlook.

10 Most Popular Video Game Consoles Of The Last 10 Years - Ranked

Places to watch: Anime

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