Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 4 Post

In an article by Laura Hautala, Queenie Wong, it talks about a breach that happened in Facebook's database. The data breach, which was said to have gone missing, contained phone numbers from many different user accounts. Elliott Murray, who was a cybersecurity researcher in the United Kingdom discovered the location of a website that contained the data the seemed to have been scavenged from the breach. What made this incident worse was when a time later, it was stated that more than 220 million people’s Instagram accounts were taken down or their lives were affected in some way because of this missing data. This release of information makes it seem that the rights of the people and their personal privacy is not as safe as implied. What made this incident the most difficult to read were the responses Facebook gave when questioned about the breach. They responded with saying that they knew nothing about this incident and that no breach had taken place. This action of not revealing information about the information leak that affected millions is not ok. If it has to relate to a negative effect on people’s personal lives, along with their privacy, the people should have the right to know information related to it. Facebook should be taking responsibility for being the cause of this incident.

Image result for facebook breaking


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