Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 5 Post

When it comes to websites such as and The American Conservative website, you wouldn’t hear about them too often. One of the possible reasons we may not hear about them is due to people usually avoiding this subject. Websites that would speak about anti-war wouldn’t really be visited frequently and do not really talk about positive subjects so they are usually not visited. There is even an area on where it deliberately shows how bad a subject war is to talk about. It mentions a possible war between the U.S and China; opinion wise, I don’t feel this would be something I would want to learn about because it would make me feel unsafe. Another reason why I feel people wouldn’t visit this website after looking at the website is because I feel that it is pretty unorganized.  On, everything looks very messy with links all over the homepage; although you would be able to read titles, it would be hard to find a specific subject you would want to search for. An idea that might be able to make it better would be a search option. On the other site, although not as messy, it is still a little tough to find information because you need to search the website quite a bit.However, there is always the possibility that someone could purposely want to find this information. This may be because they are worried about future events, though if someone wants to find this information, I don’t expect them to get a positive outcome.

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