Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 7 Post

The type of communication I wanted to discuss about was the pigeon carrier that was [discussed] about in section 3 group 4's presentation. This form worked by the person writing a message on a small piece of paper; writing a message that was limited, they would then roll up the message, place it on the foot or back of the pigeon, then send it to its intended location. It talks about how the pigeon was an older form of communicating between people who are far way. The most common people who used this form of communication were the Military or groups that would fight on the battlefield. In the presentation, it was mentioned that this form of communication was used in many battles such as both World Wars, Roman Chariot battles, and other possible Military battles/Wars. It was also stated that this form of communication was faster than many other ways of sending messages. One of the best parts of this form was that it didn't require much to use, just the normal survival resources, water and food. An additional fun fact that was mentioned in this part of the presentation was the hero pigeon named Cher Ami, which didn't need to be mentioned but I found it to be very interesting.        

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