Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 15 Post

The term that caught my eye the most is the term, False Flag, listed under the Awareness category. With my understanding of false flag, it means to make a statement to falsely accuse a group or organization of doing something they have not actually done, causing others to believe the statement. The use of a false flag could be used in many situations. I believe an incident that could happen where it may take place is when people may try to ruin someone by accusing them of doing something horrible such as causing a law-breaking scandal. To an extreme degree, this could even be something as horrible of rape. Usually, when something false is stated about a popular person or disliked person, it can become a rumor that can lead to becoming a truth everyone believes. Although nothing big like this has happened to me or as far as I know, none of my family members, it could very well happen in the future. While this ability could be used for horrible purposes, there are also other ways it could be used. These ways could be such as strategies used by the military to trick the enemies into believing something that does not actually happen. If they believe that statement, it would give the people who tricked them a big advantage. While it has good uses, I still don't think that it is a good morally good plan to use.


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