Monday, May 4, 2020

Post on HOME

This could have been a much earlier post. In this I wanted to talk about Pokemon home the ups and downs of it. Not many people have still heard about this system, but it basically allows people to transfer Pokemon from past Pokemon games to more current games like Sword and Shield. Basically it works in this process: 

You begin by getting a membership or free trial in Pokemon bank for the 3DS or DSi. You then connect to any Pokemon game that is DS lit and up and move your Pokemon from the game PC to the Poke bank PC. Once completed you then open your switch and download Pokemon home. After this you can click retrieve from Pokemon bank on the switch and click send to HOME on the DS. It will then send a code that you will enter, it will then transfer your Pokemon to the HOME application. After this, you enter your Pokemon game, being let’s go, Shield, or Sword. Make sure you complete the tutorial first because you need to be able to save before using this application or none of it will work. Once connected you can drag your Pokemon from HOME into your Pokemon game continuing your friendship from a great game into a game that lacks a lot of challenge and plot.
Pokémon™ HOME for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details

Final Post

I feel that my relationship with technology is healthy because I use it for many activities along with gaining knowledge through using it. In many of my classes, especially now with converting to online classes, I use my computer or other devices. There are some things that I would like to point out that many people don't consider that often. It's that technology and non school related activities can actually teach you a lot that you may not be able to learn in school. Many times people have told people to stop using devices because it doesn't teach you too much. Those who think this way I don't see them as very smart people. One such example that people see as useful and noneducational is watching anime. Though what they don't realize is that it teaches you much more that you might learn by going outside or simply socializing with others. There is even an anime called Dr. Stone, where you learn an incredible amount about science and how it works. The reason for learning, there are many times where people need something to vent their anger and that's where video games can usually come in. They give people the ability to do stuff they wouldn't be able to do in real life, not giving them the ability to release stress that is placed on them. Many different technologies are used by most people throughout the day. Whether it be Xbox, computer, the Wii, PlayStation, DS, or even the new Nintendo Switch. While there are many people who choose to do outside activities, I feel most people would eventually use technology because even stuff such as iphones or androids can be considered forms of software. When necessities were turned into a type of software technology, it seems to have just simply been accepted into daily lives of everyone, even for those who didn't really use these devices in their younger days. Personally, I feel that people who include software a lot in their life can actually be much more intelligent and wiser than other people who look at technology with a negative outlook.

10 Most Popular Video Game Consoles Of The Last 10 Years - Ranked

Places to watch: Anime

Image Source:

Week 16 Post

As everyone should be aware, summer of 2020 is beginning in only a couple days. This means for those who play Animal Crossing: New Horizon, big news is coming. Animal crossing is a game for the switch where you will work to build an island through gathering material and using currency to improve houses and progress through the game. June through September we will now be able to catch sharks so we could display them in our museums. This time has been what I’ve been looking for since I bought the game a couple months ago. From what they showed in a preview of the game it appeared that they had very good graphics and really made it look life-like. The museum is made up of 3 different categories, the bugs, sea life, and lastly fossils. You find fossils by digging them up, then choose to donate them, or just display them on your island. For fish and bugs, you can choose to donate them or display them in your house or outside. While catching bugs, digging up fossils, and fishing for normal fish will increase the quality and quantity of your museum I feel that placing sharks will increase how your museum will look by ten fold. Knowing that the time till there release is less than a month away only makes me more anxious and excited. The only thing that makes me nervous is if I catch all the sharks. Sometimes if you collect all of them or just repeatedly catch one kind it may lead you to get bored of it and begin to drift away from playing the game again. Personally I feel that I began to drift away when feeling like I wasn’t achieving anything new. Though this is all going to change in June with the newest update. Catching Sharks will change everything for me and I just can’t wait.
How to catch a shark - Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Shacknews

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 15 Post

The term that caught my eye the most is the term, False Flag, listed under the Awareness category. With my understanding of false flag, it means to make a statement to falsely accuse a group or organization of doing something they have not actually done, causing others to believe the statement. The use of a false flag could be used in many situations. I believe an incident that could happen where it may take place is when people may try to ruin someone by accusing them of doing something horrible such as causing a law-breaking scandal. To an extreme degree, this could even be something as horrible of rape. Usually, when something false is stated about a popular person or disliked person, it can become a rumor that can lead to becoming a truth everyone believes. Although nothing big like this has happened to me or as far as I know, none of my family members, it could very well happen in the future. While this ability could be used for horrible purposes, there are also other ways it could be used. These ways could be such as strategies used by the military to trick the enemies into believing something that does not actually happen. If they believe that statement, it would give the people who tricked them a big advantage. While it has good uses, I still don't think that it is a good morally good plan to use.


Week 14 post

When listening to all the TED talks, I realized a lot about privacy and how we are not as secure as we think. Currently, we have many digital devices and websites that can affect your privacy in many ways. Our privacy is affected through email, face recognition, cell phone, or even police survey technology. Although many of these technologies describe how they protect your identity and personal information, there are many ways that it can be leaked. If people were to access this information, they can do actions that may leave problems for you in the future such as others using credit cards or people accessing your address, then sending stuff that you don't need. Learning this, I realized it doesn't mean I should stop using devices or stop accessing the internet, just to be more aware of the possible leaks that could occur so that I'm prepared for what could come of it. Though, I would say the most common known way people may access information would be through the discovery of your email. Although there are many people who may have multiple accounts, if someone were to access one of them, they could still scavenge much from it. Although you may be able to delete this email account, the person may have already got far too much. Additionally, just by accessing information, a person can blackmail or use personal information or experiences to not only take advantage of you, but potentially ruin somebody's life, no matter what a person's status may be. Though people may have the ability to take these actions, none of the actions taken like this makes it right. Though I may somewhat be able to understand, if they were to first have ruined you and made your life horrible. If everyone were able to take this action, it could result in many people being spared from fates worse than death.

GDPR-style privacy law in California a 'blueprint' for other ...

A TED talk:

Week 13 post

I believe that a digital footprint is what is considered to be the personal information that is left on websites or other digital subjects like games. Personally, from what I've experienced throughout my years, from my iPad to present time, there are many places that would ask for personal information. Though, probably the most popular sites/apps that would use your information would be Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, or even apps like ifunny. I've used many different websites where I would have to give out personal information. The most popular worldwide would be Facebook, though the main reason would be so I could save my game data because it would not save on programs like iCloud. Though, I find Facebook or Google to be two of the most dangerous because it's one of the online systems to ask for the most information. Google can be seen as a dangerous website because people would usually make multiple emails with the system which in turn usually would be giving out private information. Some of this personal information being first and last name, email, phone number, and address. Additionally, like many other people, I would use websites to stream anime or other TV shows. Though most of these sites would only require private information such as email, you would also usually give a username and password. These websites would usually don't make you feel as unsafe because it wouldn't ask for too much information and you could always place a fake email if you don't choose to place your personal one. Many of the ones that I would consider, if you wanted to watch something, would be websites such as Kissanime or possibly movie websites like 123movies, where it gives you a variety of choices to watch without requiring an account to access. The only time they would require you to give information is if you wanted to download an episode. Although they don't ask for much, it's still true that people could access a lot of information from just an email address.

About Digital Tech // EIT Digital

Week 11 Post

Individual Self-Fulfillment
I feel that Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most important value of free expression. I find it the most important because of how I understand the definition of self-fulfillment, which is to do what you want and not be bound by many restrictions. It supports the idea of what you want to do in your life and helps define who you are as a person. I find this is important to people because it allows us to have the freedom of choosing what we want to do, such as discussing what we hope to achieve. For myself, I want to become a game designer as my future goal. This value is also pretty inspiring because of a few different reasons such as the idea that goals that people set for themselves help people work harder and give them something to achieve. When people don't have a goal, it takes reason out of doing actions and work they may have to do. It brings the motivation away from doing something,sometimes making people have the idea of pushing something off for later or even choosing not to do it at all. Though, while I find this value important, I can see why others may choose to see it as not as important. I find this value to be the most inspirational because it's meant to represent people and what they do, it helps people bring a goal to life and brings meaning to what people do. There are some people who get to points in their life where they can't think what other objectives they can do to bring light to their lives. It is in situations like this where this value can come into place. Once someone has an objective or reason, it helps them go on and have a reason for what they do. There are many people who may view this value of being underrated because they might find that the value of reason of life is not exactly a necessity that there are many other parts in life that can sub for your own goals. Such as the idea that others can make reasons for you to move on, or you might be the type of person who chooses to help another person move toward their goal instead of having one as your own. There are also situations where people believe they don't hold the value of self-fulfillment, but don't realize that they have this value. One such incident that I feel can relate to this idea is if someone did something little such as subconsciously collecting all the consoles that might relate to a specific company. You can see the value of self-fulfillment in this situation because if the situation is brought up about a subject, you might state that you possess most consoles and you aim to get them all. In this way, you actually have a goal of collecting all of them without realizing you were actually doing it, displaying how it may fit in your life even if you don't realize it.
6 Golden Rules to Make Progress Towards Achieving Goals

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 7 Post

The type of communication I wanted to discuss about was the pigeon carrier that was [discussed] about in section 3 group 4's presentation. This form worked by the person writing a message on a small piece of paper; writing a message that was limited, they would then roll up the message, place it on the foot or back of the pigeon, then send it to its intended location. It talks about how the pigeon was an older form of communicating between people who are far way. The most common people who used this form of communication were the Military or groups that would fight on the battlefield. In the presentation, it was mentioned that this form of communication was used in many battles such as both World Wars, Roman Chariot battles, and other possible Military battles/Wars. It was also stated that this form of communication was faster than many other ways of sending messages. One of the best parts of this form was that it didn't require much to use, just the normal survival resources, water and food. An additional fun fact that was mentioned in this part of the presentation was the hero pigeon named Cher Ami, which didn't need to be mentioned but I found it to be very interesting.        

Week 6 post

For my project, I researched the impact and the history of the Amazon Kindle, which was first released in 2007. There was a major evolution in the creation of the Kindle as it moved from the first Kindle to the most recent Kindle called the Oasis 3, which released in 2019. Many of these key changes pertain to the increase of data, storage space, utilities, and even the survivability of the devices. Some examples of ways it improved is the storage space. One such example of this improvement between the kindle 1 and kindle 2 is in increasing from 250 MB of storage to 2 whole GB, allowing more books to be stored on the devices. There are also areas where more utilities were added such as the there being wireless and Wi-Fi required versions of devices. Additionally, tools such as night mode, which decreases contrast, and red lighting were added. Lastly, when the Kindle Oasis was released, it became waterproof, increasing its ability to survive in watery conditions. Over time, the actions you could take with the Kindle increased, and most of the options were accessible as long as you had an Amazon Prime subscription. It allowed consumers to download movies and access books on the unlimited plan. Eventually, the Kindle became accessible through both the web and on mobile devices such as the iPad and iPhone. As time passed, there were two additions that even got added to their app, allowing data to sync between devices as well as listen to audio books on other devices. Just like the Amazon Kindle has evolved in the past, it will continue to evolve.

Other than the evolution of the Kindle, the existence of it had a pretty significant impact on our society. It became especially useful for the people who preferred to read over doing other activities such as video games or sports. This was because it allowed a person to carry thousands of books in one device anywhere they wanted to go. Although at the present time, this is just another necessity you may need on your phone so you can use it everywhere you go

Get started with the free Kindle app. Image of Kindle app on iPhone, Android phone, iPads, and Android tablets.

Link for Kindle History:

Week 5 Post

When it comes to websites such as and The American Conservative website, you wouldn’t hear about them too often. One of the possible reasons we may not hear about them is due to people usually avoiding this subject. Websites that would speak about anti-war wouldn’t really be visited frequently and do not really talk about positive subjects so they are usually not visited. There is even an area on where it deliberately shows how bad a subject war is to talk about. It mentions a possible war between the U.S and China; opinion wise, I don’t feel this would be something I would want to learn about because it would make me feel unsafe. Another reason why I feel people wouldn’t visit this website after looking at the website is because I feel that it is pretty unorganized.  On, everything looks very messy with links all over the homepage; although you would be able to read titles, it would be hard to find a specific subject you would want to search for. An idea that might be able to make it better would be a search option. On the other site, although not as messy, it is still a little tough to find information because you need to search the website quite a bit.However, there is always the possibility that someone could purposely want to find this information. This may be because they are worried about future events, though if someone wants to find this information, I don’t expect them to get a positive outcome.

Picture site:


Week 4 Post

In an article by Laura Hautala, Queenie Wong, it talks about a breach that happened in Facebook's database. The data breach, which was said to have gone missing, contained phone numbers from many different user accounts. Elliott Murray, who was a cybersecurity researcher in the United Kingdom discovered the location of a website that contained the data the seemed to have been scavenged from the breach. What made this incident worse was when a time later, it was stated that more than 220 million people’s Instagram accounts were taken down or their lives were affected in some way because of this missing data. This release of information makes it seem that the rights of the people and their personal privacy is not as safe as implied. What made this incident the most difficult to read were the responses Facebook gave when questioned about the breach. They responded with saying that they knew nothing about this incident and that no breach had taken place. This action of not revealing information about the information leak that affected millions is not ok. If it has to relate to a negative effect on people’s personal lives, along with their privacy, the people should have the right to know information related to it. Facebook should be taking responsibility for being the cause of this incident.

Image result for facebook breaking


Week 3 Post

There are 3 branches that make up our system of government: executive (president), legislative (Congress), and the judiciary (Courts). The Supreme Court belongs to the Judicial branch, whose main job is to hear court cases that arise due to the victim believing something went wrong in other courts like false conviction. Many of the cases they review are cases on “Civil Rights, Criminal Procedure, taxes,” and labor law. Usually, when coming to a decision, the video states that it often takes a long time. The key idea they have to pay attention to is whether or not the decisions being made are constitutional or unconstitutional, which is a key factor in deciding courses of action.

During the Dred Scott decision, the supreme court power deteriorated by a large margin as the supreme justice at the time declared they were unable to allow slaves to become citizens. After the civil war, this issue was settled and this court decision, according to the video, was a,  “Great self inflicted wound.” It was after the 14th Amendment was created that the power started to return to the court.

Personally, I feel that, although they are meant to check if bills and other cases/rulings are constitutional, there are many times that they go against this. In the past, there were many different cases that led to laws being passed that were against the amendments and other parts of the constitution. Some cases I read about where this happened are ones such as Kelo v. City of New London or Gonzales v. Raich, which both took place in 2005.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 2 Post

I am currently majoring in the communication major: Interactive Media and Game Design. I hope in the future it will help me get into some popular game design companies for jobs such as Level design, game testing, or even when I learn more about it, character design. Though more on the main topic, which is talking about some recent news that might relate to my major. I want to inform you ahead of time that there might be a lot of negative information, so if you don’t like negative you might want to stop now (though if you scroll further to the bottom you may find some interesting/good facts about the expansion). Personally, on the release of the game, I was excited to acquire the game and begin playing it, although the further I got the less intriguing I found the game became. I felt like it was missing so much such as, plot, story, challenge, creativity, and a team of bad guys that past games all had. There was just so much missing, however there were other ways to make the game fun, such as nuzlocke. Some news I want to talk about is the news about the DLC in Pokémon: Sword and Shield. I thought this topic sort of relates to my major because it’s about a video game and video games are what I hope to help make in the future. Though back on topic, I want to straight up state now I think the idea is dumb. The first point about why I don't think it’s smart is the pricing that they place on the game extension of the game, which is 30 dollars -- half the price for the original game. Most DLCs you can buy for like 5 or 10 dollars. The basic idea of this expansion is to bring more land and Pokémon to the world, even ones that were not placed in the original game when it was released. Overall I feel they could have made a lot of this in the first release of the game.

If your interested in more you can visit The Pokemon Expansion Pass Website

There is also A trailer you can watch as well: